Intro to Zero to Hero: 30 Day Challenge

Sunday, January 5th 2014 11:34 P.M.

I have the habit of writing the date and time on each journal entry. So I may use it here as well, I like knowing exactly when and where I wrote each piece. 🙂 The only downside to writing on here is that I don’t get to use an actual pen. It feels more intimate to me. I don’t know exactly how this is going to work out, the whole blogging thing. It’s feeling sort of iffy. I’m talking to all of you folks out there and it is sort of intimidating and I find myself second guessing what I’m going to say. Maybe within time it will feel more natural? I’m just a newb. Or was it noob? I prefer newbie. Alright!

Well since I’m such a newbie, what can be better than a 30 day challenge?? Suited for beginners or for those who have an actual blog up and running already! I do think i’m a couple of days behind though. Haha. I’m not sure if I will catch up or just go at my own pace. I will link the challenge down below in case you want to join as well! Fantastic right? Ok. Lets start. 

—Actually, I just got side tracked with my little brother who entered my room—-  He started cuddling with my kitten Lila, I’m guessing since he spent the week at my older brother’s house, he isn’t used to being alone. I should probably go hang out with him for a bit. I will write the first challenge in another post! 🙂 

It is now 12:10 am by the way. 



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